Start April, 2009
End April, 2012
Funding Internal
Reach Europe
Status Ongoing
Area: Wireless Sensor Networks
RF Sounding is an interactive installation inspired by the metaphor of the impossible human dream to overcome his limits. The installation is defined by an hexagonal area where the user getting inside is able to listen to sounds that are usually not perceived by human ears. Indeed the sound is produced starting from Radio Frequencies (RFs) arising in the presence of a cellular network by shifting RF signals to the audible band and spreading the result all over the installation area. This procedure does not arise from a merely scientific operation, but it also requires an emotional participation from both the composer and the user. The latter is indeed called to induce sounds variations by moving around within the specified area.
The aim of this project is twofold. Indeed, from one side we want to increase end users knowledge of the strength of the power emitted by their cellular phones with respect to the electromagnetic fields produced in the environment, on the other hand we want to provide for an artistic and interactive installation that can also be remotely joined through a web interface.
The installation requires the design and implementation of a localization system based on a wireless sensor network as well as the real time elaboration of RF signals variations.
- Claudia Rinaldi, Luigi Pomante, Fabio Graziosi, Roberto Alesii, Francesco Tarquini, RF Sounding, Congresso Nazionale AICA (Associazione Italiana per l'Informatica e il Calcolo Automatico), L'Aquila, Oct. 2010.
- Claudia Rinaldi, Luigi Pomante, Roberto Alesii, Fabio Graziosi, Demo Abstract/RF Sounding, Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems Zurich, Switzerland - November 3-5, 2010.
- C. Rinaldi, RF Sounding: An Interactive Installation Generating Sounds from Spectral Analysis, 6es Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en Audition, Acoustique musicale et Signal audio 17-19 novembre 2010, Ircam, Paris.
- Claudia Rinaldi, Fabio Graziosi, Luigi Pomante and Francesco Tarquini, RF Sounding: Generating Sounds from Audio Frequencies, Chapter in Technological Innovation, InTech, ISBN 979-953-307-559-3 Book edited by: Dr. Hong Yi Sun, City University of Hong Kong, China
Staff involved
- Claudia Rinaldi
- Francesco Tarquini
- Luigi Pomante
- Fabio Graziosi