Path to the Excellence Program
The Path to Excellence Program (PEP), established by Regulation Approved by the Departmental Council (DISIM) of July 13, 2017, consists of additional educational activities to those of the Master's degree course (Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica e Automatica). The set of these activities can give rise to the acquisition of credits that can be used, upon subsequent and specific request, in other educational paths in Italy or abroad (for example in Doctoral Schools). It does not give rise to the recognition of credits that can be used to obtain a university degree related to the course of study attended at the University of L'Aquila. Each student will be assigned a tutor. Erasmus students or students who intend to pursue a Double Degree and who carry out part of their curriculum at a foreign university may carry out part of the PEP at the foreign institution hosting them. The PEP is supervised and legitimated at international level by a scientific commission, as provided for in the "Agreement of International Cooperation between University of L'Aquila and The European Embedded Control Institute (EECI)". This committee will also be responsible for the quantification in additional CFU (hopefully in terms of ECTS) of the activities carried out.
According to the resources that will become available from year to year, students will be awarded a scholarship, as provided by a specific announcement. Enrolled students can be further supported for specific activities of the SEP by the Center of Excellence for Research DEWS, of which they can use laboratories and equipment.
Chiara Romano, chiara.romano(at)
Corso di LM in Ing. Informatica e Automatica – percorso CSE
Tutor: Prof. Stefano Di Gennaro, Prof. Giovanni De Gasperis
Iscritta per gli a.a. 21-22 / 22-23
Pasquale Salucci, pasquale.salucci(at)
Corso di LM in Ing. Informatica e Automatica – percorso CSE
Tutor: Prof. Maria Domenica Di Benedetto
Iscritto per gli a.a. 20-21 / 21-22
Federico Tiberti, federico.tiberti(at)
Corso di LM in Ing. Informatica e Automatica – percorso CSE
Tutor: Prof. Vittorio De Iuliis, Prof. Costanzo Manes,
Iscritto per gli a.a. 21-22 / 22-23