Giordano Pola
Position: | Assistant Professor |
Area: | Automatic Control |
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Phone: | +39 086243 4470 |
Fax: | +39 086243 4403 |
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Books & chapters
- Borri, A., Pola, G., Di Benedetto, M.D., A symbolic approach to the design of nonlinear networked control systems, Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control 2012, I. Mitchell and T. Dang, Eds., To appear
- De Santis, E., Di Benedetto, M.D., Pola, G., Observability of linear switched systems, Handbook of Hybrid Systems Control, Theory, Tools, Application, J. Lunze and F. Lamnabhi-Lararrigue, Eds., Cambridge University Press, 2009, 106-112
- Girard, A., Pola, G., Tabuada, P., Approximately bisimilar symbolic models for Incrementally Stable Switched Systems, Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control 2008, M. Egerstedt and B. Mishra, Eds., Lecture Notes on Computer Information Sciences, Springer Verlag, Vol. no. 4981, 201-214
- Abate, A., D’Innocenzo, A., Pola, G., Sastry, S., Di Benedetto, M.D., The Concepts of Deadlock and Livelock in Hybrid Control Systems, Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control 2007, Bemporad, A. Bicchi and G. Buttazzo Eds., Lecture Notes on Computer Information Sciences, Springer Verlag, Vol. no. 4416, 628-632, (Short Paper)
- De Santis, E., Di Benedetto, M.D., Pola, G., Stabilizability of affine switching systems: A Kalman-like approach, Taming Heterogeneity and Complexity of Embedded Control F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, S. Laghrouche, A. Loria and E. Panteley Eds., International Scientific & Technical Encyclopedia (ISTE), London, 2006, 263-276
- De Santis, E., Pola, G., Positive switching systems, Positive Systems: Theory and Applications (POSTA 2006), Commault and N. Marchand Eds., Lecture Notes on Control and Information Sciences, Springer Verlag, Vol. no. 341, 49-56
- De Santis, E., Di Benedetto, M.D., Di Gennaro, S., D’Innocenzo, A., Pola, G., Critical Observability of a Class of Hybrid Systems and Application to Air Traffic Management, Stochastic Hybrid Systems: Theory and Safety Critical Applications, H.A.P. Blom and J. Lygeros Eds., Lecture Notes on Control and Information Sciences, Springer Verlag, Vol. no. 337, 141-170
- Berardi, L., De Santis, E., Di Benedetto, M.D., Pola, G., Approximations of maximal controlled safe sets for hybrid systems, Nonlinear and Hybrid Systems in Automotive Control, R. Johansson and A. Rantzer Eds., Springer Verlag, London, 2003, 335–349
Journals & magazines
- Zamani, M., Pola, G., Mazo, M., Tabuada, P., Symbolic models for nonlinear control systems without stability assumptions, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. To appear, 2011
- Pola, G., Borri, A., Di Benedetto, M.D., Integrated design of symbolic controllers for nonlinear systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. To appear, 2011
- Pola, G., Pola, G., A Stochastic Reachability Approach to Portfolio Construction in Finance Industry, IEEE Transactions of Control Systems Technology, 20(1):189-195, January 2012
- De Santis, E., Di Benedetto, M.D., Pola, G., A complexity reduction approach to detectability of switching systems, International Journal of Control, 83(9):1930-1938, September 2010
- Pola, G., Pepe, P., Di Benedetto, M.D., Tabuada, P., Symbolic models for nonlinear time-delay systems using approximate bisimulation, Systems & Control Letters 59 (2010) 365-373
- Girard, A., Pola, G., Tabuada, P., Approximately bisimilar symbolic models for incrementally stable switched systems, IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, 55(1):116-126, January 2010
- De Santis, E., Di Benedetto, M.D., Pola, G., A structural approach to detectability for a class of hybrid systems, Automatica, 45(5):1202-1206, 2009
- Pola, G., Tabuada, P., Symbolic models for nonlinear control systems: Alternating approximate bisimulations, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 48(2):719-733, 2009
- Pola, G., Girard A., Tabuada, P., Approximately bisimilar symbolic models for nonlinear control systems, Automatica, 44(10):2508-2516, October 2008
- De Santis, E., Di Benedetto, M.D., Pola, G., Stabilizability of linear switching systems, Nonlinear Analysis, Special Issue Hybrid Systems 2 (2008) 750-764
- De Santis, E., Di Benedetto, M.D., Pola, G., Digital Idle Speed Control of Automotive Engine: A Safety Problem for Hybrid Systems, Nonlinear Analysis, Special Issue Hybrid Systems and Applications, 65 (2006) 1705-1724
- Pola, G., Van der Schaft, A.J., Di Benedetto, M.D., Equivalence of Switching Linear Systems by Bisimulation, International Journal of Control, 79, 74–92, January 2006
- Borri, A., Pola, G., Di Benedetto, M.D., Alternating Approximately Bisimilar Symbolic Models for Nonlinear Control Systems affected by Disturbances, 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, Orlando, USA, December 2011, pp. 552-557. (Invited paper)
- Pola, G., Di Benedetto, M.D., De Santis, E., A Compositional Approach to Bisimulation of Arenas of Finite State Machines, 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy, August 28th-September 2nd 2011
- Pola, G., Pepe, P., Di Benedetto, M.D., Alternating Approximately Bisimilar Symbolic Models for Nonlinear Control Systems with Unknown Time–Varying Delays, 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta, USA, December 2010, pp. 7649-7654
- Borri, A., Pola, G., Di Benedetto, M.D., An integrated approach to the symbolic control design of nonlinear systems with infinite states specifications, 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta, USA, December 2010, pp. 1528-1533
- Petriccone, A., Pola, G., Di Benedetto, M.D., De Santis, E., A Complexity Reduction Approach to the Detection of Safety Critical Situations in Air Traffic Management Systems, 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta, USA, December 2010, pp. 2081-2085
- Zamani, M., Pola, G., Tabuada, P., Symbolic models for unstable nonlinear control systems, American Control Conference 2010, Baltimore, USA, July 2010, pp. 1021-1026
- De Santis, E. Di Benedetto, M.D., Petriccone, A., Pola, G., A Compositional Hybrid System Approach to the Analysis of Air Traffic Management Systems, 8-th Innovative Research Workshop & Exhibition, EUROCONTROL, Paris, France, December, 2009
- Pola, G., Pepe, P., Di Benedetto, M.D., Tabuada, P., A symbolic model approach to the digital control of nonlinear time–delay systems, 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference, Shanghai, China, December 2009, pp. 2216-2221 (Invited paper)
- Pola, G., Tabuada, P., Symbolic models for nonlinear control systems affected by disturbances, 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Cancun, Mexico, December 2008, pp. 251-256
- Pola, G., Girard A., Tabuada, P., Symbolic models for nonlinear control systems using approximate bisimulations, 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, USA, December 2007, pp. 432-437 (Invited paper)
- Pola, G., Tabuada, P., Symbolic models for linear control systems with disturbances, 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, USA, December 2007, pp. 4643-4647
- De Santis, E., Di Benedetto, M.D., Pola, G., Observability of discrete-time linear switching systems, IFAC Workshop on Dependable Control of Discrete Systems, June 13th - 15th 2007, Cachan, Paris, France
- De Santis, E., Di Benedetto, M.D., Pola, G., Observability of Internal Variables in Interconnected Switching Systems, 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, USA, December 2006, pp. 4121-4126
- Pola, G., Pola, G., Optimal Dynamic Asset Allocation: A Stochastic Invariance Approach, 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, USA, December 2006, pp. 2589-2594
- De Santis, E., Di Benedetto, M.D., Pola, G., Stabilizability based state space reductions for hybrid systems, IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems, Alghero, Italy, June 2006
- De Santis, E., Di Benedetto, M.D., Pola, G., Detectability based state space reductions for hybrid systems, 17th International symposium on Mathematical Theory of Network and Systems, Kyoto, Japan, July 2006
- Di Benedetto, M.D., D’Innocenzo, A., Pola, G., Rinaldi, C., Santucci, F., A Theoretical Framework for Control over Wireless Networks, 17th International symposium on Mathematical Theory of Network and Systems, Kyoto, Japan, July 2006
- Pola, G., Lygeros, J., Di Benedetto, M.D., Invariance in Stochastic Dynamical Systems, 17th International symposium on Mathematical Theory of Network and Systems, Kyoto, Japan, July 2006
- Pola, G., Van der Schaft, A.J., Di Benedetto, M.D., Achievable bisimilar behaviour of abstract state systems, Joint 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, Seville, Spain, December 2005, pp. 1535-1540
- De Santis, E., Di Benedetto, M.D., Pola, G., Digital control of continuous-time switching systems with safety constraints, 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Paradise Island, Bahamas, USA, December 2004, pp. 1878–1883
- Pola, G., Van der Schaft, A.J., Di Benedetto, M.D., Bisimulation Theory for Switching Linear Systems, 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Paradise Island, Bahamas, USA, December 2004, pp. 1406-1411
- Pola, G., Polderman, J.W., Di Benedetto, M.D., Balancing dwell times for switched linear systems, 16th International symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Leuven, Belgium, July 2004
- De Santis, E., Di Benedetto, M.D., Pola, G., Can linear stabilizability analysis be generalized to switching systems? 16th International symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Leuven, Belgium, July 2004
- De Santis, E., Di Benedetto, M.D., Pola, G., Structural discrete state space decompositions for a class of hybrid systems, Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Kysadasi, Aydin, Turkey, June 2004
- De Santis, E., Di Benedetto, M.D., Pola, G., On Observability and Detectability of continuous-time Switching Linear Systems, 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, Hawaii, USA, December 2003, pp. 5777–5782
- Pola, G., Bujorianu, M.L., Lygeros, J., Di Benedetto, M.D., Stochastic Hybrid Models: An Overview, Analysis and Design of Hybrid System, St. Malo, France, June 2003, pp. 45-50
- Balluchi, A., Benvenuti, L. Berardi, L., De Santis, E., Di Benedetto, M.D., Girasole, G., Pola, G., Engine idle speed control via maximal safe-set computation in the crank-angle domain, IEEE International Symposium of Industrial Electronics, L’Aquila, Italy, July 2002, pp. 618-622
- De Santis, E., Di Benedetto, M.D., Pola, G., Equivalence entre stabilisabilité et sécurité pour les systèmes à commutation, Proc. of Conference Internationale Francophone d’Automatique, Nantes, France, July 2002, pp. 337–341
- De Santis, E., Di Benedetto, M.D., Pola, G., Approximations of the maximal controlled invariant set for a continuous time linear system, Proc. of American Control Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, May 2002, pp. 1216–1221
- Berardi, L., De Santis, E., Di Benedetto, M.D., Pola, G., Controlled safe sets for continuous time linear systems, Proc. of European Control Conference, Porto, Portugal, September 2001, pp. 803–808